Montag, 29. Juni 2009

Unexpected Kiss

It was a rainy and sucky friday evening.. I was waiting for the 706 to get home. I was tired, hungry and cold. While I was waiting two girls walked past me. I didnt pay any attention at them as I was strugling with my biological needs.

Suddenly someone touched my arm and I turned. It one of the girls from before. She was a blonde highschool girl, she had a naughty smile that I didnt forget till this day. As I was trying to remember who she was she simply let it out..

"Can I kiss you?"

I looked as dumb as I could. Completely shocked.. I couldnt give an answer, not because that I was that shocked at this request but it was simply because she didnt let me.. As soon as I heard those words , she landed a passionate kiss. It didnt last for too long but it was definately fun and exciting. After spending half a minute kissing me she leaned back, smiled at me landed another kiss and walked away with her giggling friend... I never saw her again..

These kinds of things dont happen everyday, and it is worth writing..

I admire that girl for her courage..

As for today I still ask myseelf why she kissed me.. Was she drunk? Definately not, the kiss didnt taste after alkohol.Maybe drugs than? But than again I didnt get the impression..

I guess she just wanted to kiss someone.. Good for her and good for me.. I was feeling lonely anyways..

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