Samstag, 8. Mai 2010

Art v.s Coca Cola

In search of love and immortality human kind has created "art". The gateway for us to express our emotions. Our "Art" is completely our own. Anyone who discusses that art is made for the society is in my opinion a selfish, absorbant asshole. Do the C.E.O`s of companies give me free money? Do I get free cars from Mercedes? Do I get free drinks from coca-cola?
Now you might argue that those people invest their time and money and future in to producing that stuff.. Do you think we do not? A artist needs to go through alot before establishing himself in a respectfull position where he might start to earn decent money.. Do you think a artist doesnt go through a pace of desperation caused by nihilism?
Why should I distrubute my art, a piece of my soul for free?
We very well know that everyone in this world is after profits. Why should be the artist so selfless after exposing his inner world. Havent we given enough to the society by just simply opening our minds and hearts to paper, film sheets and walls? Does a C.E.O of coca-cola company expose his heart and mind to the society by running his business? I doubt so.. Yet it is us who get demands of "art is for society" !
How about I say "Coca-cola" is for society..Yes , go ahead please tell us what is in that secret formula of Coca-cola.. Coca-cola is for society, so you need to tell us what is in it..
My argument crashes on the walls of a cave like echoes..
Only minds that have forced the walls of logic and limitations of human being will understand the depth of my argument.. And only the ones that had to bare the unbearable in this world will understand the frustration and anger.. and fear of future...

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