Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2010

Art of Drinking a Woman

If you are thinking about how to please a woman with Oral Sex because of the title.. I must say that you are past redemption, for this writing is about not about Oral Pleasures but about a metophor which explains how to treat a woman in a relationship.. Ah and dont feel insulted my dear readers, I would have thought about oral sex as well..

To understand this metaphor you must imagine two things.
1. A Burgundy style Wine Glass
2. A real lady that you know
A Burgundy style wine glass is very thin and fragile, it has a small mouth which keeps the scent of the wine inside and there might even be cases that the drinker gets hit by the alcohol so hard that they might have problems breathing for a second. For that not to happen you must go easy or else your mind will be blown.
Lets think about the first phases of a relationship with that lovely woman you think of. You must definately go easy.. Just like holding the wine glass. If your grip thightens too much the glass will shatter and cut your hand.. The wounds and scars that are left later on depend on how thight your grip was.. It depends on you if you will be able to forget that woman or not. Do not use excessive force..
Than again dont let the glass too loose. You wouldnt want it to sip away from your hand.. Especially not before you took even one sip.
If you are going to take a sip dont take a sip before observing. Enjoy the crimson color and how the substance flows in the fragile safe haven it is in. Observe your woman.. Note down her reactions, get her talking, hear her voice as much as you can and let it play in your head like music.
It is just like opening the light of a room before entering it.. You never know if there is something blocking your way..
Once you enjoyed the color and substance enough take a sip..
But not too fast.. If it is too fast the alcohol will hit you and make you dizzy.. You might fall into the temptation of alcohol faster than you might want it.
Falling in to love with the first kiss of a woman and filling your lungs with her scent... cowering your mind with the red myst of greed and jealousy.... It is the most dangerous thing to do..
Stay in control and dont let your emotions drag you down a path that will give you nothing but shattered glasses of a once beautifull glass..
Licking the spilled Wine on the ground will only mutilate your tongue and make you swallow pieces of class which will make you choke on your own blood..
Dont become an animal..


I shall be the wolf to follow your scent
The shark to sniff your blood
I shall breath you
And shall release you within my pain
Suffocating you with my passion
Die, within me
Rot , within me

Samstag, 8. Mai 2010

Art v.s Coca Cola

In search of love and immortality human kind has created "art". The gateway for us to express our emotions. Our "Art" is completely our own. Anyone who discusses that art is made for the society is in my opinion a selfish, absorbant asshole. Do the C.E.O`s of companies give me free money? Do I get free cars from Mercedes? Do I get free drinks from coca-cola?
Now you might argue that those people invest their time and money and future in to producing that stuff.. Do you think we do not? A artist needs to go through alot before establishing himself in a respectfull position where he might start to earn decent money.. Do you think a artist doesnt go through a pace of desperation caused by nihilism?
Why should I distrubute my art, a piece of my soul for free?
We very well know that everyone in this world is after profits. Why should be the artist so selfless after exposing his inner world. Havent we given enough to the society by just simply opening our minds and hearts to paper, film sheets and walls? Does a C.E.O of coca-cola company expose his heart and mind to the society by running his business? I doubt so.. Yet it is us who get demands of "art is for society" !
How about I say "Coca-cola" is for society..Yes , go ahead please tell us what is in that secret formula of Coca-cola.. Coca-cola is for society, so you need to tell us what is in it..
My argument crashes on the walls of a cave like echoes..
Only minds that have forced the walls of logic and limitations of human being will understand the depth of my argument.. And only the ones that had to bare the unbearable in this world will understand the frustration and anger.. and fear of future...

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

Infected Intoxication

I regret not having written here in the last few months. Not because I care of any of my readers but because of all the beautifull stuff that gathered in my mind and eroded away in time.

The past months can be explained as a hurricane of feelings thundering within me. I wont be able to discuss any of that here no matter how hard I try and how much aid I get from alcohol.. So I will just copy what I wrote on a filthy piece of paper that survived my terrible handwriting..

"It must be human nature to chase things. Maybe it is our wild instincts. After all our ancestors needed to stay hidden and ambush the animal for food. If the animal didnt drop dead they needed to chase it. So my theory is, unless you make someone fall in love with you immediately they will start to run even though they are wounded. Sometimes that person may escape and get hunted by someone else or it may die of the wounds. Than the only thing we need to do is find they corpse... However it is of great importance that I note the following here: The sight of a rotting corpse is not something for everyones appetite..So dont take your time..

Let us return to chasing,
A chase is for a person may have horrible effects on human mind. But it also forces you to confront yourself and value the dignity that is left within you. I say left, because I believe our pride and dignity deteriorates with every experiance we have in our life. We may learn alot from chasing about ourselves...
There is a degree of persistance.. We must never exceed it or else we would have to face the danger of total rejection subce we gave become "bothersome " and in some cases "creepy".
So how do we know that we reach our limit?
In my case it is paranoia.. in the case of others it may be jealousy, greed or murderous intentions..

Paranoia.. Ah! The disease of the insane. It is the ultimate form of fear. Only people that are immune to fear develop paranoia. It sounds contradicting but I will open it up for you. A paranoid person develops feelings of jealousy , fear and eventually hatred. People that never feared or doubted others are forced to become paranoid once they taste betrayal for the first time. The first betrayal leaves a sour taste and with every betrayal adding up these people start to live with the fear of tasting it again.

All the years of living with the illusion of total security gets destroyed. The of betrayal that has been stored inside of the person is unleashed upon his naivety. A naivety that never returns. Paranoia is build upon the decaying remains of that naivety. A twisted and corrupted image of the pure..

My friends.. The combination of paranoi together with the intoxication of pride of the human being creates a monstrosity that I call "Infected intoxication"

May this be a warning on all of us.. If you reach the limit, learn to end your future.."

End of the paper..