Dienstag, 2. Februar 2010

Valentines Day Reminder

So the day of the Valentines Day Losers is nearing.. My very blog is based on the Valentines Day and the more it closes in the more i have to think about its necessity.

Is it necessary to remind people that they are lonely? Well I thought about it.. and my answer is:

YES! Definately! The sole reason for this is because people need to be reminded of their loneliness. Loneliness can be turned in to a good weapon which allows your lifestyle to change dramatically. I think the most educational days were the Valentines Days that I had to experiance alone. Some of them ended with an orgy of my thoughts accompanied with a bottle of wine while others were accompanied by friends who seemingly didnt "care", which was of course an obvious lie on their part..
I think I remember the lonely Valentines Days more than the ones when I had a girlfriend. This year I will be having a girlfriend to enjoy , however most of my friends will be lonely. I hope that they think about what they are doing and maybe make some changes in their lifes. Just like a Turkish preverb states
"Loneliness is only for God"

Happy Valentines Day everyone.. Expect to hear less stories about me and woman, for I wish not to insult anyone during this period of joy..

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