Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2009

The Sexy City

A pity that I cant add music to my blog, so we will have to do with youtube links..

I wonder if I am the only one who enjoys the sky line of a city. It is amazing to see huge buildings in the distance and to see the lights. Whenever I see the skyline I think "wow there in the city right now someone is starving in the streets while some other guy fucks his girlfriend in the back of a club" same street, different story.. I dont want you to get me wrong, I dont think there is something wrong in this picture. That is how life is, that is how the city is.. It is a wild battlefield , from the hobos to the high ranking executives of a firm. Isnt this simply beautifull ? A carnage without rules, it is a deathmatch..

The city is the true face of humans. We may try to keep our dirty secrets within but the city will reveal everything to everyone who digs enough. I dont mean to say that we are scum.. That is just how nature is. If someone fucks you up it most likely because of our greedy nature. Therefore I love the city.. We are pretending but the city uncovers the whole filth..

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