Freitag, 30. Oktober 2009


Many may argue that prostitution is forced on ALL woman. I would call that ignorance.

Now that I have your attention with my flametory argument I will continue to explain myself.

First we must discuss what prostitution is. Of course we all think about "sexual intercourse" the second we hear the word "prostitution". But prostitution doesn't necessarily need to involve sexual interaction. If a woman comforts a man for money without showing the slightest bit of interest or compassion on the involving action, it is considered prostitution in my eyes.

So to simplify what I have said I will give an example:

A college girl is in need of help for an on coming exam. This girl starts to date with the nerd of the class to get from him free lessons and to pass the on coming exam.Afterwards she dumps him.

Now in this example the girls didn't have sexual intercourse with nerd but she sacrificed her time. She gave him emotional support and hope. To be completely classic I would say "she has toyed with his emotions". Now the nerds foolishness is of course another part to discuss. Without knowing the nerd payed her for her services thus relinquishing his title "victim".

This is the most crucial part. We have labeled the girl as a prostitute, but we also took an unnatural way calling the boy responsible of his actions. Most people would drown in the sympathy and call him victim and even a "martyr of love". I believe it is foolish to put someone into such a high position. But the tale of the fool is another story..

As you see, a woman doesn't necessarily need to have sexual intercourse to be a prostitute but this is not main point. By defining prostitution I wanted to make clear that some woman are okay with such decisions. Not everyone is forced to prostitution. I was lucky enough to get the oppinion of prostitutes and I have to say there are a fair number of woman in this world who take part in this business on free will. Not only because of the money but also for the fun of it..

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