Dienstag, 2. Februar 2010

Valentines Day Reminder

So the day of the Valentines Day Losers is nearing.. My very blog is based on the Valentines Day and the more it closes in the more i have to think about its necessity.

Is it necessary to remind people that they are lonely? Well I thought about it.. and my answer is:

YES! Definately! The sole reason for this is because people need to be reminded of their loneliness. Loneliness can be turned in to a good weapon which allows your lifestyle to change dramatically. I think the most educational days were the Valentines Days that I had to experiance alone. Some of them ended with an orgy of my thoughts accompanied with a bottle of wine while others were accompanied by friends who seemingly didnt "care", which was of course an obvious lie on their part..
I think I remember the lonely Valentines Days more than the ones when I had a girlfriend. This year I will be having a girlfriend to enjoy , however most of my friends will be lonely. I hope that they think about what they are doing and maybe make some changes in their lifes. Just like a Turkish preverb states
"Loneliness is only for God"

Happy Valentines Day everyone.. Expect to hear less stories about me and woman, for I wish not to insult anyone during this period of joy..

Cauldron of Fire

If you are reading this keep in mind that I am now in Turkey and that I will live here for a year. I have managed to come to Turkey with the Erasmus programme. I am telling you this because my view on woman and life may change... well to be honest.. It has changed allready.

When I look back to my 3.5 years in Germany I cant really see the "good old days". I dont expect to make some nostalgia after living a month in Turkey but it is hard to remember the good days we had.. good days when we were not under the sideeffect of drinks.

Alcohol: is a good way to describe the things that changed. For one I dont drink everyday anymore. I have been drunk for only one night since i have been here. It means alot..because it has been a month! People dont drink that much.. they dont need to drink. I used to drink because I had nothing else to do.. nothing to occupy me.,not enough people to share my day with. In Germany it was more like staying at home the whole day and partying the whole night. When you are drunk you cant share much friendship since everyone somehow becomes your "friend" when you are drunk. I get the feeling that people are not afraid to share their emotions in Turkey. If they are angry or if they like you, they will definately let you know. In Germany most of our conversations only involved themes like "university", "teachers", "alcohol","politics".. That was all .. I am sorry if someone gets annoyed about my statement but this is the truth and many have agreed with me.. I am sorry if I cant put up with the boring topics..

Lifestyle: In Germany we used to party alot.. We danced alot and we drank alot. Like I have previously stated we didnt do much at day time. In Turkey it is the opposite. Here we like to meet up in the afternoon and go drink somewhere. We dont drink much and dont dance (although they say that we will soon). At night time we stay at someones place and play Dungeon&Dragons or go to the cinema. It is more about interacting and talking. The topics we talk about is different as well. People enjoy to talk about Romance, sex, money and a little gossip, way different than my previous Social life in Germany.
However there are problems too. I dont like how my friends are still acting as if they are teenagers. I dont mean to put myself here in a higher position, but seeing a 21-22 year old guy leaving the bar because his Mother or Grandmother tells him to be at home at 20pm is just fucking sad and riddiculous. I constantly think about how they endure this painfull humiliation. How can one person feel mature if they live under such "high school" rules. One of my friends says "Your family is different than ours. We have stronger bonds and loyalty" when I confront him with his problem. Hovewer this is simply a "BULLSHIT" explanation. What kind of family is to be respected if they dont respect your position as an adult? It is saddening..

What is the black hole?
1988-1996 (Germany)
2006-2009(Germany aka. The Black Hole)
2010- present day (Turkey)

I keep comparing today with the present of 2006. I used to have much more connections and my phone never stopped ringing.It was natural to lose some of my colleges in 3 years, It was to be expected and I dont feel sad about it.My core friends..Well let me fix that.. my brothers and sisters still remain intact :) I gained a 10 years experiance in Germany. I dont know if I shoudl feel thankfull or if I should hate the fact that I have become a cold and more distant person. A few of my friends confronted me about this change. I had nothing else to say than "sorry thats how things worked in Germany". Its been a month and I still havent recovered my "southern warmth". Troubling as it may be I am sure that I will become the old cheerfull myself again..

If you have been reading this entry to hear about Turkish chicks you are to be dissappointed ;) My blog is indeed about woman and my funny storys with them but an entry about Turkish woman has to wait. I assure you it will taste like good lagered wine when it is posted..