Montag, 10. August 2009

Bloggers are idiots

Blogging: Never before have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few...

How true this sentence is.. Every single drop of this sentence is golden..

Yes, too many people write but so few read.. I dont blame anyone, hell I dont read blogs myself although I write one. Most of the time I think " why should I care what that guy over there says online, I dont even know him in RL". I doubt that anyone reads my blog, but I am not writing this blog with that purpose anyways..

This is a place where I put my thoughts in, I am not really interested in spreading them.. Although I have to spread it alittle so I can get some feedback. If there is one thing I have learned in life that that is "if u dont get a proper feedback, u will never learn.."

I am thankfull to those few who bothered to read and comment on the crap I post here..

People always want to be in the center, nearly every single person around me wants that.. Even if they try to act out of the gossips. We humans are hungry for the attention of the core.. We crave for it althout we dont know it, our hands reach for this and we dont even know if we are really doing it..